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Mrs. Waddell's Math Center Groups

Check out some of our first graders in Mrs. Waddell's class working on math centers! Looks like fun!

Science Night 4/11/24

Army radios

On Thursday, April 11th, Trent Park hosted our annual Title I Science Night and brought back the Invention Convention. Families had a blast exploring the different stations with experiments and visiting with community partners to learn about many different things. Thank you to all the volunteers who came out to join us!

Invention Convention 4/11/24

On Thursday, April 11th, we brought back our Invention Convention, in conjunction with Science Night. All of our 5th grade students identified a problem and created their own invention to solve the problem. We had a lot of amazing entries, but three winners were chosen. Congratulations to our winners!

1st Place - Donald Collins, Jr. "Umbrella Swiper"

2nd Place - Saydee Huffstetler "Pedal Covers"

3rd Place - Joshua Ward "Head Cuffs"

Title I Reading Night 11/14/23

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Our Tiger families joined us on Tuesday night for our annual Title I Reading Night. This year's theme was Reading Around the World, and everyone had the opportunity to visit several different countries. While there, they read texts about the country and learned reading strategies to use at home. Every student who attended got a homework pass, and we had four lucky winners who won door prizes - they each got a bag of books!

D.A.R.E. Graduation 11/21/23

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On Tuesday, November 21st, we held the TPE DARE graduation for our fifth grade Tigers. Congratulations to our essay winners: 3rd place - Austin Minn, 2nd place - Donald Collins, and 1st place - Ryese Sears. As Ryese read his essay aloud, the last part really stuck with us: "Now I'm responsible and confident enough to stop a bully. Are you?" This is a sentiment we hope all our Tigers carry with them!

TPE Macy's Parade 11/20/23

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As part of a STREAM project with Mrs. Baker, after reading the book "Balloons Over Broadway," our Tigers designed and created balloons for our own version of the Macy's Parade. Here are just a few pictures from the parade this afternoon!

Title I Meeting/What's Next Night 22-23

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Our Tiger families came out Thursday night to hear about our Title I program and to visit next year's classes. We were delighted to welcome rising kindergarteners and a teacher rep from HJM, as well!

DARE to Slime Fundraiser Celebration 22-23

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Our students and staff had so much fun celebrating our 3rd place win during the DARE to Slime fundraiser. A huge thank you to everyone who contributed, and especially to our volunteers who were slimed: Principal Ashley Faulkenberry, Deputy Dora Bullock, Major David McFadden, Mr. Marty Marquez, and Mr. Paul Kruer!

Science Night 22-23

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Everyone had a blast at Science Night!  Families participated in many activities, including making bubbles, stomp rockets, rollercoasters, flying machines, looking at fingerprint patterns, and identifying inherited traits, among many others.  We'd especially like to thank our community partners who joined us to give our students and families unique experiences. Check out our Facebook and Instagram accounts for video clips from some of the activities.

Read Across America Week 22-23

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Our first graders enjoyed Read Across America Week and tried out green eggs and ham!  Even our teachers got into the spirit of things!

1st Grade Learns Keynote 22-23

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During Media Center classes, Mrs. Witt teaches our Tiger students about technology and how to use it appropriately.  This month, she has been working with first graders on how    to make presentations using Keynote on their iPads.

Partner Reading 22-23

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During the month of December, our fifth graders are partnering up to read to our younger Tigers.

Math Night 22-23

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We would like to thank Publix of New Bern for supporting us with our Title I Math Night as our Tigers came out and practiced using math skills in the real world. As usual, everyone had a great time!

Heat Transfer 22-23

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In 5th grade, our scientists have been learning about heat transfer.  We’ve studied how hot air balloons work, by heating water and observing as the balloon inflates due to convection. We’ve also had a chance to design and test the usefulness of insulators.

3rd Grade Collaboration 22-23

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Mrs. Quesinberry’s class enjoyed learning about elapsed time while they worked with their partners! 

Mrs. Castleman’s class are Analytical Thinkers!  They were analyzing Peter Pan and coming up with possible text questions!

Reading Night Fun 22-23

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Our annual Title I Reading Night was held on Thursday, November 15th.  Families visited stations to participate in reading activities, had the opportunity to sign up for library cards with Craven-Pamlico Regional Library, and even received a free book for coming!