Student Enrollment Registration
WELCOME to Trent Park Elementary School!
Student Enrollment/Registration
Parents should enroll their child as soon as they arrive in Craven County. Craven County Schools welcomes all students, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, religion, national origin or disabling condition, who live within the boundaries of the Craven County School district and meet state age and health requirements. Parents should enroll their child as soon as they arrive in Craven County at the school they will be attending by visiting the appropriate school. If you have questions about which school your child should attend, call the Central Office at (252) 514-6300.
Children who will be five years old on or before August 31 are eligible for admission.
Assignment Policy
Each student enrolled in Craven County Schools is assigned to the school of his/her grade level serving the attendance zone in which that student’s parent/legal guardian is domiciled. (Ref: Policy 4150)
Determining School Assignment Districts
Information on school assignment districts can be obtained by calling Craven County Schools Central Office at 252-514-6300 or you may visit our District website at You will need to provide an exact street address to determine which school your child will attend.
Steps to enroll a student in Craven County Schools
After determining school assignment, the parent/legal guardian should present the following items directly to the school, regardless of the grade level of the student. No appointment is necessary.
What documents should I bring?
Please bring the following items with you to enroll your child:
- Property tax records which indicate the street or road address location of the residence
- Copy of the mortgage document or copy of deed to property which indicate the street or road address of the property
- Copy of the residential lease showing street or road address
- Copy of utility bill showing residence address (electric, gas, water or cable)
- Copy of current photo ID or driver’s license showing street or road address
You will also need to bring the following:
- Certified copy of child’s birth certificate
- Legal custody documentation papers (if applicable)
- Health Immunization records
- NC Health Assessment (for Kindergarten & first time enrollee – forms are located on district website under Health forms)
- Homeschool documentation (if child was homeschooled prior to entering public schools)
- A current Report Card or transcript (high school) for your child, if available
- Withdrawal form from the previous school
Affidavit Requirement
A signed and notarized affidavit is required if you are living in the household with someone and one or both proofs of residence, i.e. property tax record, utility bill, are not in your name. A picture ID must be presented identifying the person you are living with. Both parties' IDs must display the same address. You may acquire this form from the Board of Education Central Services or the attending school may have it (please call school for verification due to notaries not located at all schools).
What should I expect once I arrive at the school?
Once you arrive at the school in your district, you will be asked to complete each of the following forms:
- Student Information Form
- Attendance Verification Form
- Student Acceptable Use Agreement (technology)
- Publication Waiver
- Home Language Survey
- Complete the enrollment documents requested of you from the school
- The office staff will enroll your child and notify your school’s principal of your enrollment
- Your school will give you any additional information to assist you as we begin our school year together
Do I need to make an appointment?
No appointment is necessary to enroll your child. The office staff at your school is ready right now to get the enrollment process started. We’ll complete the enrollment and then notify the principal at your child’s school. Your school will provide information about schedules, bus routes and anything else you will need to get a great school year off to a fast start.